Australia's favourite online canteen and ordering system

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order online in advance,
anywhere, anytime

The easiest way to pay for lunches, uniforms,
fundraising and excursions.

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food your kids love,
ingredients you love

We work with your school's current canteen,
part time canteen or third party supplier.

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efficient schools, happy parents, healthy kids

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Australia's favourite online
canteen and ordering system

An easy way to organise cost-effective and healthy
meals. How you want it, when you need it.

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School Lunch Online, a convenient, easy to use service bringing schools
and suppliers together to give our kids healthy and tasty lunches.
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why everyone is a winner

Find out how School Lunch Online delivers real benefits for you.

how do I sign up my school?

If your school is not yet involved with us we will do our darnedest to get them on board.

"The best thing around. My kids love the food and I love the quality, choice and how easy our mornings are now"

Dr Jeremy Sangster